Friday, March 26, 2021

“Just down the road”….


Is a hell of a long ways sometimes and proximity doesn’t always make for more contact!


I have a very dear friend (ok friends as her husband is also one, but her and my friendship pre-dates his arrival in her life by many, many years) who when she retired went to the studio that she had bought many years before in Southern France. But as she found she missed her friends and former colleagues from here, never mind that she is a published writer and belongs to a writing group, decided to find something here as a secondary residence.


To make a long story short, she ended up being my housemate for over 10 years.

She was still living here when she and her husband married, but a newly-wed couple need their own space and they eventually found even larger – and with more facilities – quarters down the road.


They currently spend about half a year in each place and when they are here we do try and have the odd coffee or lunch together. With Covid that has been even more challenging, also as we age, we all three have more medical appointments and it’s unbelievable how difficult it is to actually see each other.


I really had to laugh when they came back up at the beginning of February and she wrote “There is a difference knowing you are down the 6-8 min. road and down a 6-8 hour drive road”.


Don’t see it much as so far we have only managed once: are hoping for twice before they disappear again. Life is what it is and good friends need to be cherished.

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