Friday, June 11, 2021

Meat or meatless?

 For two of my very best friends: he is an avid meat eater, she a more-to-the-vegan, but at least vegetarian.

Now I was raised a vegetarian and as my mother said years later: who knew that all that cheese that we used for protein wasn't good for our arteries. Fashion - and fads - come and go, the most sensible route is nothing in extremes, everything in moderation.

That being said I do like a good steak, preferably with the French green pepper sauce! But I have had my share of vegetarian burgers as well. In fact back in the day they were made by hand (my mother) and my kids swear that at least in two areas I never measured up: my mother's veggie burgers, nor her potato salad. It could have been worse.

I quite often eat meatless, and tend to eat more fish and chicken even when I do.

Now, no one needs to choose as what was the latest ad I saw?

Local grocery store, Migros, not to mention names, has huge ads in the papers: we now have "mix". So we can feel virtuous for eating less red meat, but still perhaps have some of the taste? I think that I will encourage R to try this, but hey, if he still prefers the "real thing", I can live with it. He is otherwise a very good citizen and quite conscious of saving the planet by other means.