Monday, May 4, 2015

The mountains were…

Calling and I had needs must go – to paraphrase John Muir (“The mountains are calling and I must go”, which is actually only part of a phrase written to his sister upon his return from a hard two-week trek in the mountains)

It didn’t matter that it was raining cats and dogs, or hemp cord (French) nor frogs (German), I HAD to check a few of my more mild (and paved given the weather) paths.

“My” mountains are still there – beautiful even in the bad weather.

Above, in and out of the clouds

water falls literally everywhere

usually just a trickle

yellow to punctuate the gray

more yellow to cheer us up
yes, spring green is just this green!

chalet with its' halo of budding trees

I too could do without all this rain - makes me mournful

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