Saturday, January 8, 2022

Run like Clockwork as in



My day ran like clockwork, or as the French would say “on rollers” which actually seems more apt! An expression that transferred from actual clocks to more general areas in the late 17th century.


Woke up on time without the alarm, which had been set as I needed to be across town at a specific time to keep my older grandson whilst his mother took the baby for a check-up.

I had even enough time to dash past one of my favorite grocery stores, and one that has been carrying a great assortment of ready meals ever since the original lock-down a year and a half ago. They have a couple that we really like – in this case grandson one loves the Indian Butter Chicken. Not only did they have it, but they had two – a favorite as well of my daughter-in-law, who gives way to her son when there is only one. They even had the spicier Vindaloo, which my son and I love and Palak Panir! I was on a roll as the Americans would say. OK, so had to look up the origins of that expression: dates back to the second half of the 19th century and refers to the rolling of dice.


Got to their place early so no stress, morning passed very pleasantly with PlayDoh then the garage and cars. In no time it was lunch – eaten happily and willingly by all.


Junior down for a nap and I was off again doing a couple of errands on the way home and still having time to meet a friend for coffee.


So lovely when all goes not only according to plan, but efficiently so! Not many days like that so greatly appreciated.



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