Sunday, July 24, 2016

Coincidences and other cosmic thoughts

That is if I can ground myself long enough to actually write a blog – something I seem to have entirely ignored for 3 weeks now: hmmm, the waxing and waning of the moon has nothing on me.

But today all of a sudden, thoughts seem to be piling back into my brain, first of all this one on the coincidence of dates.

47 years ago my then husband-to-be and now deceased-husband (this may get complicated) had open-heart surgery for the first time. Just days before man landed on the moon, he wrote his mother a letter saying that if things “didn’t work out” that he had had a wonderful life. Imagine, he was only 34 years old at that point and went on to marry and have two sons gaining another 31 years in the process – and another open-heart surgery at age 45.

Little did he dream that on the same day, a woman who would become first a renter then a very good friend turned 25. Today she celebrates another great year after having overcome cancer twice, living first in the flat then becoming my housemate before marrying at 72 and going on to a new life. We have now known each other for 23 years and enjoyed many an adventure together! Happy Birthday D-L.

Nor was he to know that another of our best friends would have their oldest daughter on that same day. She is now a young married woman and I have the pleasure of seeing her daughter grow – I call myself “aunt” which of course takes me back to the politeness of another generation. Happy birthday A!

So today I had lunch with our oldest son, who is now that same age as was his father when we met.

Ah the fun of coincidences.

Cosmic thoughts? It just sounded good, but here's the last sliver of a moon as well as the last full moon to justify the title. 

Corsier, July 2016

Corsier, July 2016

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