Tuesday, April 13, 2021

48 rolls of toilet paper…. For 0.90 centimes


Life is sometimes rather entertaining.


Whilst I was with my family over Easter weekend we went and got groceries for the 3

Nights with my older son. As I was paying – and proud of having finally gotten it right

Without the interference of an employee (yes, even in Switzerland most stores have

clients now working for them, ie self check-outs) – a young employee rushed up and said, wait, wait. I thought, hmmm and here I was sure that I had done it all right.


He hit a couple of buttons, used his store tags, and presented me with a gift card for CHF 20.00! Wow.  He did mention that it was only valid for a month, detail, which I promptly forgot until two weeks had passed. Then I actually added “use xxxx card” to my shopping list.


After lunch today I felt the need to get a little something for snack time and remembered that I had this card so thought, ok I’ll go get something a little special maybe.


As I entered the store there were stacks of toilet paper on sale. Now I am currently not in any danger of running out having probably some 30 on stock, but never pass up a bargain on toilet paper, so I threw one in my cart. Wandered a bit, got something for snack time, checked on various other items on my eventually-need-to-find list and was almost ready to check out when a store employee saw me. She said, wait, you only have one package and it’s a 2 for 1 deal today and off she rushed to get me another.


I used the coupon for CHF 20.00, the two large packages were CHF 20.90 so here we are 48 rolls of 4-ply toilet paper for 0.90 centimes (roughly 90 USA cents). Not complaining, still laughing.



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