Tuesday, January 30, 2024


Was the Word-a-Day today and I must admit that when I saw it, I immediately thought – ok they’ve come up with a new name for these evangelicals who think that the whole world should be ruled by religious laws and are euphoric on their own brand of fanaticism.


Disclaimer: I am not picking on evangelicals, as the same religious fanaticism can easily be applied to many throughout the world.


But in context of USA politics which we are all following closely, evangelicals came to mind.


But then I stopped to read the definition and to my surprise it had nothing at all to do with what I surmised to be the definition. Rather it simply means “Having or derived from the name of a god. »


So, if needs be, yet again a lesson in ‘don’t think that you have the absolute, or even the best, idea of what anything means’.


 Wordsmith.org  the beauty of language

Sunday, January 28, 2024

A beautiful day…

For no reason – or for many reasons.


First bright point in the day to come was the sun.

Breakfast was the usual, but the coffee is always good.

Then my son and his family visited and we all took a walk

To the lake to feed the ducks and the odd swan.

Enough bread for ALL of us to toss at will.

Watching the two-year old trying to feed – precious.

Lunch was over abundant at Le Lotus Bleu.

The short nap and coffee afterwards just wonderful.

Soon I will see friends for cocktails (or mocktails

Depending upon age and mood).

A wonderful and beautiful day.




Braverman Greenspun




Friday, January 26, 2024

A walk around the square… or

 20 minutes to kill.


The other day I needed to take someone to an appointment which wouldn’t last long. As there were no parking spaces in the immediate vicinity I went “the other way” and found myself in part of the original Old Town of Geneva, but not on the cathedral side.


20 minutes took me first to the Henry Moore statue up on the bluff overlooking the city and across from


Reclining figure: Arch leg


The Museum of Art and History (MAH). Intriguing the red digital put out of seemingly endless numbers. I will need to ask the next time I am there what it is supposed to mean.



Then backtracking towards the car I came across a statue to the Admiral Le Fort – who served Peter the Great. Fitting as the Russian Orthodox church is not far. But again, why a Geneva, admiral of the Russian Fleet?


A beautiful sunny day that raised more questions than it answered.

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

The P.S.s of life

In a lovely little book put together by Eliakim Katz called “Old Age comes at a bad time”, which, in turn is a quate from Sue Banducci, Arthur Schopenauer, a German philosopher said “The first forty years of life gives us the text; the next thirty years supply the commentary.”


Ah, but we are living longer now so I am going to add a P.S. the next however many one gets are the asterixis, the quotes, the exclamations points, in short the punctuation.

Perhaps at 71 one adds an Asterix whilst explaining one’s text or commentary, then one starts quoting one’s younger self, only to end up putting exclamation points on getting through the day with minimal aches and pains.


Let the P.S.s come.


 Punctuation, Memes, and Choice – Open English @ SLCC

Monday, January 22, 2024

The beauty of accidents

Now I know what you’re thinking: accidents – beautiful – not in my world.

But I am talking about a very minor accident: a waitress who spilled water.

It beaded on the black table sets and made a very pretty pattern.


No, not all accidents cause beauty, it’s enough that this one did.



Sunday, January 21, 2024


As Albert Einstein said « There are two ways of living one’s life: as though nothing was a miracle, or as if everything was a miracle”.


The second version is obviously the better attitude.


I have had my share of “miracles”, two of whom are my sons.


Today is a celebration of that wonderful day when our first-born arrived in our lives.

46 years later he has become a wonderful man, husband and father – as well as a person who is straight, honest and – with the advent of the family – more aware of the specialness of family.


Friday, January 19, 2024

Starting small

 With the writing that is. It will take awhile to get back in the groove so to speak - a phrase that was popular in my youth, but that is probably no longer ever used.

I have mentioned several times how much I love “A THOUGHT FOR TODAY” from Wordsmith.

This one is from several years ago, but ever so pertinent to our lives at the moment.

With a world filled with seemingly only bad news and problems one needs to keep Joseph Addison’s (1672-1719) saying in mind.

« Three grand essentials to happiness in this life are something to do, something to love, and something to hope for«.”

I also take note that he ended his sentence with a preposition – something that I have spent my whole life trying to avoid. I guess there’s room for change.


Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Write, write, write


Write, write, write

Said my older son,

Write, write, write,

Repeats my younger one.


There is no season,

There is no time,

When for any reason

It’s not fine


So write, write – right!