Saturday, February 10, 2024

Complaining can be ...

 Useful and productive.

10 days ago it was the 24th anniversary of my husband’s death.

I still live in the same village and do try and go up to the cemetery a few times throughout the year, especially on the day, if I am in town.


Our cemetery is currently being renovated – a construction site full of its own problems and literally everything is being changed except the accumulated graves.

I was able to go up on the day, but when I returned on the weekend, there was absolutely no way of entering the lower part, where he is buried.


I took photos and wrote an email to the Mayor’s office, trying not to be totally nasty, but I did emphasize that this was NOT admissible.


I duly received an answer saying that obviously the access was badly marked (actually none as there is a wall, there were gates where the construction company enters, there were barriers in between upper and lower parts and there is a fence with construction “paper” on the other two sides. Perhaps an animal could enter: a human not. But they did say that they had discussed it during a meeting of the construction team. I answered that I would check this weekend.


I did and imagine my surprise, a totally acceptable opening and they even put down the white

Pathways in order that we didn’t have to walk on mud!

Sometimes complaining gets results!



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