Friday, February 18, 2022

Whom would I gorgonize?

Or to gorgonize, or not?


Another one of those lovely words that one doesn’t hear often, but that could be so useful in today’s world of dwindling thoughts and vocabulary.


For those (o.k. I had a vague idea, but didn’t know the origins) who haven’t a clue: it could have been any one of the three monstrous sisters in Greek mythology: Stheno, Euryale, and Medusa who could turn people into stone with a look – oh wouldn’t that be useful???

Meaning: To paralyze, petrify, or hypnotize.


I can think of a few people, whom, after very careful thought as to the results of my actions, I would love to gorgonize. No fears, I won’t mention them here!

Saturday, February 5, 2022

Through the glass…


Not clearly.


One of the rare advantages of these cold winter days – and the ice on the windshield in the morning if one forgets to put on the protection – is the beauty of patterns formed by said ice. Works of art, if ephemeral, still works of art.



From inside

On the outside

Friday, February 4, 2022

Grouse and no, it’s not only a bird

A-Word-a-day, one of my all-time favorite sites, posted this one today. I knew the verb “to grouse” meaning to complain; I knew the noun “a complaint”; I knew that it was also a bird, but I learned something new as well.


Since 1941 “grouse” is an Australian slang, used as an adjective and meaning “wonderful”.


Now that’s what I love about words – so versatile – so able to be twisted and turned and become something totally unlike what they were.

Thursday, February 3, 2022

Getting things done, or not…


Reflections on procrastination.

Ah, there are days!

I have a whole day all to myself, something that is rather rare, at least until English conversation at 16:00, so I had great plans for sorting, filing, tossing and the like.

People intervene – and that is my life and I like it!


First of all I needed cat food having discovered last night that I had no more wet food. Both cats were looking on and very anxious for their nightly dinner. Fortunately I did have a tin of cat tuna or not quite sure if they would have forgiven me. So needing cat food I debated which store and decided to not cross the border, then remembered that the best store for their brand was one of the three that I hadn’t been to for awhile.  On the way there, I caved (had planned on no lunch dates) and called a friend on the off chance that she would be available as she is sometimes here, but usually busy, but often in Southern France where I really can’t just call and make a lunch date. She was so that’s Date number 1.


Finally at the store I promptly ran into another friend, and as luck would have it, she was available for coffee, so we did. Lovely interlude.


Home finally just an hour before I need to go back out for my luncheon date and suddenly “work” not quite as attractive, so a few computer games and this blog later…


Perhaps after lunch I’ll be more productive? Or not. There are days.

And people will ALWAYS come first in my life – that is what makes it so good.


Reflections in the countryside


Wednesday, February 2, 2022



There are dates that are attractive to people due to the repetition of a number. There are

No wedding venues for example either for today, nor for the 22.02.2022.


In our family, unfortunately, the 2nd of February doesn’t hold such positive connotations as we lost my husband and my son’s father on the 02.02.2000.


It was, as we quickly realized, his last joke, especially as in reading the death certificate they had labeled it 00:20!  I do believe that he had the strength and mental capacity to achieve that combination and it still makes us smile.


That being said 22 years later, there are way too many 2s in this day. When he passed away on the 02.02.2000 there were 5 zeros and 3 twos, now there are 5 twos and 3 zeros, never mind the 22 years.


It’s enough to make one think, but then again I have always had some kind of connection to numbers and if 2 is not my favorite, my life is full of numerical coincidences.

We will get through the day.