Monday, January 31, 2022



I receive magazines from one friend that I read and pass on to another; I buy magazines that I read then pass on to the first friend, then when I get them back I pass on to another…. Old friends, good friends!


So, when in a recent one of said magazines I read my horoscope “You may be changing your social circle. Old friends may be dropping away, making room for new connections that will help you to grow more” I thought, horrors, no, no, no.  At my age I am unfortunately losing some friends to the heavens (sounds a lot better than the alternative doesn’t it – and one doesn’t need to have any particular beliefs to prefer the thought of a heaven to anything else), but so far I have seen no change in the “dropping away”. Have I added new friends – amen, and each addition is enriching.


Without my friends, old and new, life simply wouldn’t be as rich as it is. I’ll take them all!

So forget that horoscope and let’s see who my next appointment is, ah yes, that dear young woman who spent a few years here with me at number 15! Yeah. And yesterday it was two friends – the remains of an association that didn’t make it, but the friendship endures. Then it will be…


I am blessed!


My friends are like these petals: a bright light in my life, and abundant.


Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Mediocre isn’t always bad


I usually refrain from anything political, but the following paragraphs could so apply to many other incidents, many other persons, many other situations.

We try sometimes to be perfect, and fail ourselves miserably most of the time. Most of us are not totally good, efficient, nice, kind, but then again most of us aren't evil, total wasters, unkind nor lazy.

I came across a Quora publication today that, for me, says it best – and with not too many words:


Pastor Lance Ness in this article – and I quote:

What are the highlights of the first year of Joe Biden's presidency?


“I am Republican and:

Overall, Joe Biden is a lackluster leader. I knew he would be.

But for a 78 year old man who jumped into the White House at a terrible time I don't think he's doing a bad job.

I do not blame him for Afghanistan. Trump CLEARLY set things in motion for a withdrawal months before he left office.

He is doing at least a reasonable job with a pandemic.

People want to criticize his spending bill. TRUMP TALKED ABOUT AMERICA'S INFRASTRUCTURE PROBLEMS IN 2016. He saw the problem, and what did he do about it? Every president for the last 20 or 30 years (maybe more) should have been spending a few billion a year on this problem long before now. If we had we wouldn't be looking at a trillion dollar monstrosity.

After 4 years we have a President who is at least sane, semi competent as to the job, doesn't embarrass this nation 24/7, who isn't caught lying on a daily basis, waste 3 days out of 7 playing golf, or hours tweeting every day.

Biden is getting criticized but he doesn't handle it by scteaming “fake news” or trying to shut down Saturday Night Live because they pick on him.”




Saturday, January 22, 2022

My daily wish list….


I had to laugh – and promptly have adopted the terminology – when my sister-in-law the other day said that she needed to get back to her “wish list”: just a fancy, and much better name for the “to do” lists that we all make from time to time.


Does one feel less guilty at the end of the day if one calls it a wish list, as in I “wish” that I could get the filing done, the laundry folded and put away, the floors swept, the cupboards sorted out, the letters answered, the book keeping done? I certainly hope so, so from now own I no longer have a “to do” list, but rather a “wish list”.


Guess that I had best add a few things and get on with it!

Thanks K



Saturday, January 8, 2022

Run like Clockwork as in



My day ran like clockwork, or as the French would say “on rollers” which actually seems more apt! An expression that transferred from actual clocks to more general areas in the late 17th century.


Woke up on time without the alarm, which had been set as I needed to be across town at a specific time to keep my older grandson whilst his mother took the baby for a check-up.

I had even enough time to dash past one of my favorite grocery stores, and one that has been carrying a great assortment of ready meals ever since the original lock-down a year and a half ago. They have a couple that we really like – in this case grandson one loves the Indian Butter Chicken. Not only did they have it, but they had two – a favorite as well of my daughter-in-law, who gives way to her son when there is only one. They even had the spicier Vindaloo, which my son and I love and Palak Panir! I was on a roll as the Americans would say. OK, so had to look up the origins of that expression: dates back to the second half of the 19th century and refers to the rolling of dice.


Got to their place early so no stress, morning passed very pleasantly with PlayDoh then the garage and cars. In no time it was lunch – eaten happily and willingly by all.


Junior down for a nap and I was off again doing a couple of errands on the way home and still having time to meet a friend for coffee.


So lovely when all goes not only according to plan, but efficiently so! Not many days like that so greatly appreciated.



Thursday, January 6, 2022

Three Kings…


We three kings of Orient are

Bearing gifts we traverse afar.
Field and fountain, moor and mountain,
Following yonder star.”


The famous Christmas song, written by John Henry Hopkins Jr. in 1857 is actually the first widely popular Christmas Carol in the USA.


However, as a child I had actually never heard of anyone celebrating Three Kinds Day and it wasn’t until I first came to Europe that I discovered this tradition. It takes place on January 6, twelve days after the birth of baby Jesus and supposedly his baptismal day. Various scholars have now been able to access old documents other than the Bible where there is actually little mention of this event, and presume that they may have been 12, like the 12 apostles.


In any case various countries celebrate, usually with a type of pastry: in the case of Europe most often a round, wafer-type pastry filled with almond paste and in which a “king” and a “queen” are placed so that the person getting them in their portion becomes king or queen for the evening. In some countries (Portugal, Spain) ceramic figurines have turned into collector’s items.


So enjoy the end of the Christmas festivities and may you all be king or queen of your dominion.







Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Just start


My calendar screams at me.

Just start says the many self-help articles be it on diets, changing exercise habits, re-decorating, starting or ending a relationship – they all basically say “just start”.

But what?
  • ·      My autobiography? That’s been started, then stopped – always something easier or more interesting to do.
  • ·       Sorting out the house? Ditto – always, always an ongoing task, one that at times seems endlessly unsolvable. I waver in between the “I need to get it into order so that my children don’t have to stress so much” and “They are going to inherit, let them do the work”. And wavering is about as far as I get.
  • ·      Cleaning something, anything? I do try and do a so-called Spring cleaning, year-round. Sometimes it’s undoing the pipes under the sinks and cleaning out the gunk, sometimes it’s the more mundane “the cleaning lady is gone – do the housework”; but occasionally I actually do sort a cupboard or something that one does occasionally: yesterday I actually defrosted the freezer in the kitchen (ok partly so that I wouldn’t have to face the larger task of defrosting the freezer downstairs, still it counts, doesn’t it?).
  • ·      Filing all those bills and receipts from last year? Ugh, but it will have to be done.
  • ·      Clean off my desk? I have done that in the last six months, enough is enough.
  • ·      Before Christmas, it’s start the Christmas baking: ok that’s done for another year.
  • ·      Start my Christmas letter? Oops, Christmas is over. Still that’s something I do yearly if for no other reason than to leave my sons with a condensed version of our lives, so still needs to be done even if I no longer send it to 100 people.
  • ·      Start writing all those who sent me messages and cards? It will happen, just not perhaps today.
  • ·      Start a new book? No problem, do that all the time. Not always an informative nor intellectual one, still I read as I always did.
  • ·      Start one of the outstanding and planned photo albums? Will address that another day as the sun is out and I can go for a walk.
  • ·      Start a computer game? Hmmm that one is never a problem, current passion Majong.
  • ·      Start a blog? Hey I just did.

 So that’s enough for today, I started something and now I say Just Stop!


Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Bath bombs…


For want of a better word.


I have a dear friend, one on whom I can count to gift me with some of those lovely Lush bath bombs.


Last night I actually had time to use one. I tried, I really did, but it is beyond my upbringing and my frugal, close-fisted, penny-pinching and saving soul to actually use a whole one at a time, but she will be happy to know that I did manage to let it fizzle and spin until half was gone!   

Wonderful – looking forward to the next bath already!


A "Lush" bath ball

The same as it fizzles, swizzles and bubbles


Monday, January 3, 2022

Push the stop button, or


Life in the slow lane.

I hadn’t really planned it that way and it certainly hadn’t been a consideration when we made our bookings for a week out of town with just my son, his wife, the toddler and the baby, but in retrospect that is what it was.


Life was reduced to the basics: grocery shopping on a large scale once the day after we arrived and once on a small scale for essentials to finish the week. The days were “occupied” with holding the baby, playing with the toddler, talking and laughing together, making meals and precious little else.


There is a moratorium on screens for the toddler so even the adults, by the time all were settled for the night, or in the case of the baby, for a few hours, we were too tired to want to even turn on the TV, who’s remote controls ended up on a beam within an hour of our arrival: toddler has a thing for buttons, for screws, for drawers, for finding whatever it is that you might not want him to find.


We had plenty of windows, thus light even on the rainy days, we made small trips to neighboring attractions, we had a view of mountains and a lake in a corner: in short it was a wonderful, unplanned, disconnecting from our normal lives.


I for one could have happily continued, but “real” life would have intruded sooner or later as bills need to be paid, tasks accomplished, friends seen. However, I highly recommend that everyone push the stop button occasionally: it will do your souls, not to mention your health a real treat.



Sunday, January 2, 2022

The view from the “throne”


Or a great holiday week.


I have been blessed many times over, in particular in my son’s choice of wife and their willingness to let me be a part of my grandson’s lives. I say grandsons as the older is now 2 years and 7 months (its all counts at that age, his counting in French is excellent and the English is coming along) and the younger 5 weeks.


As a protective father my son wasn’t too enthusiastic about our wish to have a small family week together right after Christmas, but my DIL and I said, as long as there is a hospital within easy reach it really isn’t an issue. We found this most beautiful Airbnb in Marsens, Switzerland and up we came.


The view and “throne”: I ended up in the master bedroom with its’ attached bathroom, including the washer and dryer nicely hidden behind cupboard doors. From the toilet (isn’t “throne” a much better moniker?) I look, during the day, out of the window that looks out on the countryside: at night I look up at the big dipper through the skylight directly about. Lends new meaning to “the throne”!



View out the window of one of the bathrooms


Saturday, January 1, 2022

365 days, or


A New Year has arrived.


One wouldn’t think that the changing of a year could be so important, but somehow this year it is. We all awoke with the hope that life would be better this year, that we could finally put behind us the monumental changes that the pandemic brought, that we could

right the wrongs done to others and perhaps to ourselves, that we could be a kinder, gentler version of ourselves, in short that there will be a new beginning.


Personally, last night as we had our dinner and drank our champagne talk turned, unplanned and we rather pleasantly surprised ourselves, to the good things that had happened in 2021. Each of us came up with more than one would have thought given the anxiety of the past days, weeks and months. All this proves that there is always good even during the worst of times that looking for the good is much more fun and relaxing than enumerating the bad.


I have never been a fan of New Year’s resolutions, but we have all been given a clean slate, one on which we alone can write this coming year’s events. Let us try and create a nicer, a friendlier, a happier year. Let us be gentle on ourselves as well as with others; let us see the sun and not the shadows, in short let’s live each day as if there were no tomorrow; we have all seen how quickly life can change.


Look for the friendship, the love; be open with strangers, a new friend may be lurking just around the corner; treasure old friendships, family, colleagues, neighbors; be the best person that you can be – it’s easier than you think and much more rewarding.


Hope for a better future, not only for oneself and family, but for the world; in doing so one contributes to making it a possibility. Invest in people – that’s the only worthwhile investment; but above all be kind to yourselves.


It’s a New Year, it’s a new beginning: make the most of it so that at the end of another 365 days you can look back and say 2022 was a Good Year, let’s continue that way.


Sunrise over the mountains