Tuesday, April 13, 2021

48 rolls of toilet paper…. For 0.90 centimes


Life is sometimes rather entertaining.


Whilst I was with my family over Easter weekend we went and got groceries for the 3

Nights with my older son. As I was paying – and proud of having finally gotten it right

Without the interference of an employee (yes, even in Switzerland most stores have

clients now working for them, ie self check-outs) – a young employee rushed up and said, wait, wait. I thought, hmmm and here I was sure that I had done it all right.


He hit a couple of buttons, used his store tags, and presented me with a gift card for CHF 20.00! Wow.  He did mention that it was only valid for a month, detail, which I promptly forgot until two weeks had passed. Then I actually added “use xxxx card” to my shopping list.


After lunch today I felt the need to get a little something for snack time and remembered that I had this card so thought, ok I’ll go get something a little special maybe.


As I entered the store there were stacks of toilet paper on sale. Now I am currently not in any danger of running out having probably some 30 on stock, but never pass up a bargain on toilet paper, so I threw one in my cart. Wandered a bit, got something for snack time, checked on various other items on my eventually-need-to-find list and was almost ready to check out when a store employee saw me. She said, wait, you only have one package and it’s a 2 for 1 deal today and off she rushed to get me another.


I used the coupon for CHF 20.00, the two large packages were CHF 20.90 so here we are 48 rolls of 4-ply toilet paper for 0.90 centimes (roughly 90 USA cents). Not complaining, still laughing.



Monday, April 12, 2021

Check and double check!


It can prevent if not disaster, definitely more than a minor inconvenience!


I needed to wash my hair and had a moment. Remembered that I was almost through the one bottle in the bathroom so took precautions and got the other one out of my cupboard in my bedroom.


Fortunately before I opened it (my hair was wet) I checked again.

Oops, I had almost applied triple oil body lotion!

Similar color of bottle, same size, same brand.


Imagine trying to wash that out of my hair!